"Ақмола облысы білім басқармасының Атбасар ауданы бойынша білім бөлімі Атбасар қаласының  № 3 жалпы орта білім беретін мектебі" коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі
Коммунальное государственное учреждение «Общеобразовательная школа №3 города Атбасар отдела образования по Атбасарскому району управления образования по Акмолинской области» 





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2022 – The Year of Children in Kazakhstan


In Kazakhstan, 2022 has been declared the Year of Children. The President of Kazakhstan believes that the well–being of children is a reliable guarantee of the successful future of our country. Kazakhstan President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev congratulated the country’s citizens on International Children’s Day which was celebrated on June 1, reports the presidential press service. International Children’s Day is a lovely holiday filled with special joy and warmth. This day reminds us once again that nothing is more important than the happiness and smiles of children. Many valuable projects and activities are being carried out to unleash the potential of each child as part of the Year of Children in 2022, the main task is providing safety for children in the street, near water and at various excursions. The country’s plan of activities for the Year of Children includes 66 events, such as ensuring safety, health, education, and recreation.  

Abdullina D.M.

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