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Innovative technologies in teaching English


Миргиязова М. М. Innovative technologies in teaching English // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — №25. — С. 301-302. — URL https://moluch.ru/archive/159/44844/ (дата обращения: 14.01.2020).


The digital age has changed the conditions of life, formation and education. Everything changes around, and accordingly, the attitude towards learning must change. The content of education in a modern comprehensive school remains unilateral; state standards based on an objective approach are morally outdated. Many modern teachers point to the lack of a competent approach, focused on the individuality of the student. Education at school does not give students a clearly expressed positive motivation to choose a life path, interests and prospects. Now, in the 21st century, the role of international education is growing. To raise own culture, to develop and to go forward is a vital necessity of our century and the young state.

In the education system ICT can be divided into two types: hardware (computer, printer, scanner, camera, video camera, audio and video tape recorder, etc.) and software (electronic textbooks, simulators, test environments, information sites, search systems Internet, etc.).

At the lessons of the introduction of new material, one can use the following educational programs: great help in teaching phonetics, articulation, rhythmic intonation pronunciation skills, to increase the motivation of students to learn English is provided by the program «Professor Higgins. English without an accent» The interactive course» Round-up (publisher Pearson Education Limited, Longman), consisting of several disks of different levels, is a great help in studying and fixing grammar. Exercises are arranged according to grammatical themes. Advantages of the course are the ability to check their answers and summarizing the results of the tasks with computers.

In the 21st century, the society makes ever higher demands on the practical knowledge of English in everyday communication and in the professional sphere. The volumes of information are growing, and often routine ways of its transfer, storage and processing are ineffective. The use of information technology reveals the enormous capabilities of the computer as a means of learning. But we must not forget that the use of multimedia technologies can not provide a significant pedagogical effect without a teacher, since these technologies are only ways of teaching. The computer in the educational process is not a mechanical teacher, a tool that enhances and expands the possibilities of its teaching activity.

English teacher   Skidan L.M.

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